Antonio Zugaldia


This is Antonio Zugaldia's homepage.

Antonio is a father of two and a husband of one, based in Washington, DC. He is an engineering manager at Mapbox, a tech company that builds the next generation of maps, navigation, and search developer products. Antonio primarily works on Mapbox's voice and AI products, like MapGPT.

Before joining Mapbox, Antonio co-founded Silica Labs, a software development company focused on wearable devices. Prior to that, he worked at the World Health Organization and other UN institutions. He holds a degree in theoretical physics from UGR, and made a daring escape from his PhD program to never look back.

Antonio appreciates the opportunity to refer to himself in the third person, and he is a terrible web designer.

Contact information

If you want to reach out to Antonio, you can use one of the services below. Alternatively, you can email him (his first name at his last name dot com).